More than taking care of yourself: Intro to self-care

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Do you brush your teeth?

Maybe hit up a yoga class, eat some green stuff, or practice mindfulness? We each carry out routines each day to take care of ourselves. However, when we think about taking care of ourselves we generally think about physical care. We often forget about the other parts of our well-being; emotional, mental, and spiritual. We get so caught up in our day to day stuff, we often think hitting the gym is a few times a week to diminish our stress.  It is time to start prioritizing self-care with taking care of ourselves. 

What do I mean by self-care?

Taking care of yourself refers to ensuring your are eating healthy, drinking enough water, getting enough sleep.  The basics of Maslow's Hierarchy. However, these are just the routines and acts we do to keep ourselves clean and comfortable.  Our physical health we generally take care of daily, but it is our mental health where we get stuck and often forget to address.

This is where self-care comes in. Self-care is an intentional act you carry out to address your mental and emotional health. Now the lines can get blurry here. Let me give you a quick example:

Joey goes to the gym five days a week. This is important to him because he knows it is good for his physical health. Lately, Joey has been struggling with his anxiety.  Although he is still exercising at the gym as normal, he still reports having heightened anxiety. 

Let's break this scenerio down now. Even though Joey is still doing something healthy, it does not necessarily mean it is self-care. He is still going to the gym and his anxiety is not reduced. Now let me give an example of self-care: 

Joey is continuing to work out five days a week. However, he has decided to help reduce his anxiety he has decided to start painting. Joey has enjoyed painting in the past and knows it is a relaxing activity for him. He commits to practice painting twice a week, and after a few weeks Joey begins to feel less anxious. He reports painting takes his mind off daily stresseors and allows him to focus on himself. 

Do we see the difference? Joey started to paint with intention behind it. He knows it is relaxing for him, Self-care is all about the intention we set. Self-care is a time to clear your head and do a little bit a mental reset.

Where to start.

Okay, now you are like ... hey! I am getting this self-care what. First, identify the stressors and things which make you anxious in your life.  Next, think about how you can get a break from those stressors. Maybe it is coloring or crafting (I craft for self-care!). It could be going to talk to someone; a friend, a therapist, or mentor. If you are having trouble picking an activity for self-care use Google! Google or Pinterest ideas for self care and you will find all sorts of different activities, just find the one that works for you! 

Remember, self-care at the end of the day is taking care of your emotional and mental well-being! Plan out a time once or twice a week to start practicing self-care. Maybe even journal down how you feel before and after to keep record of your self-care, and to find what activities work best of you. Your mental and emotional health are just as important as your physical health! We want to aim to take care of ourselves in a holistic way!


If you already practice self-care, what activities do you do??

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