
Inhale the good shit. Exhale the bullshit.

Hi there! I'm Sarah, a Taurus with a passion for helping others, mental health, holistic healing, and lots of other fun stuff. 

I believe that in order to live a happy and healthy life you need to start from the top...that would be starting with your brains.  Mental health should not solely be associated with serious disorders. I want to create a space where readers are educated in how to benefit from counseling techniques in their everyday life.  

My passion for mental health started with attaining my Bachelors in psychology and soon my Master's in Mental Health counseling. Along the way I have branched out and pursued additional avenues including alternative medicines. It has been a journey full of challenges and changes. Even in a formal educational setting I was still able to learn valuable lessons about myself. 

I'm all about self-care

One of the biggest lessons I have learned is you need to help yourself before you can help others. I've pushed myself to the point of burnout...which included many tears and hours spent soul-searching. For someone who always wants to put everyone else first it can be difficult to put yourself first. But guess what? THIS IS VITAL.

You deserve a break too. Sometimes that is a physical break (aka nap time) and sometimes it's taking a mental break. This can be the hardest break to take. Stress...anxiety...life... all just can get in our way to taking a mental break.  

However, now is the time for you to make time for you. 

Time for you to do what you love. 

This is the time you deserve to take to make sure you are living a mentally happy and healthy life.

So, sip on some kombucha and explore The offbeat counselor!


Have a question or want more information?  

Fill out this form and I will reply within 24 hours.

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